Miniature Reference Lenco MKIII with latest Triplanar Soon Available, already in Europe for low shipping to European address.
This is a special small Reference Lenco MKIII with the complete if smaller new chassis with Ultimate bearing, and the plinth is built with the usual special tonewoods of my entire Reference line but also has special high density materials in the construction which makes it much heavier than it…
New Smaller Classic ’70s Model, for shipping via Regular Postal Services.
Heading back all the way to my most budget model, the TJN Standard Lenco, that being a Lenco mounted in a small TJN plinth with a tonearm in the original armhole, no separate armboard. The following are all improvements that did not exist in the earliest days of the Audiogon…
MightyMite Light Platter Lenco Fulfilled!
Yes, even the light platter Lencos can be turned into serious high end machines capable of taking on five figure belt drives even in terms of detail and refinement, bass and dynamics a foregone conclusion. I’ve sold a few MightyMites with heavy CLD veneered plinth, redone, professionally painted and modified…
Special Budget NOS Lenco L-75-16S in heavy plinth – SOLD!
I have in the original box a New Old Stock Lenco L75-16S, which is a later Lenco with traditional S-shaped gimbal-bearing tonearm with traditonal mounting collet and headshell, which means it can accept any standard headshell. This makes a great beginner tonearm for those on a budget. It even comes…
Garrard 401 mounted to a 100-pound Classic MKII plinth, special veneer, for 12″ tonearm.
This mint condition Garrard 401 with strobe platter and working strobe light in mounted to a plinth veneered in what I call “Chocolate Chip Maple”, a freak of nature in which vines grew through a maple tree to create the effect you see here. It has my own design thrust…
SlimLine Halloween 2020 Special, Reference Lenco MKI Level
This I built to insert some fun into this year’s Halloween, choosing as an exterior Orangewood for Halloween, set off by black Wenge side panels with dedcorative Orangewood dowels, and black metalwork including special solid aluminum Flying Saucer Feet of my own design. It is built for a single shorter…
SOLD!! Ultimate Lenco Jr. Prototype
When I designed the Ultimate Lenco, I had to test it against a known reference, which was then the Reference Lenco MKIII. First, I had to test the sonics of my extremely rare air-dried tonewoods, one of which was at least 50 years old (and could go back to the…
Black Ash Reference Lenco MKII – SOLD!
This design is quite popular, I keep getting requests if one is available. Well, this one is available, visually identical to the one which Arthur Salvatore first reviewed, and built very soon after for his associate, who was first to hear a Reference Lenco. It is built for one shorter…
Cream-white Garrard 301 Oil-Bearing
This is available and ready for rebuilding to either Classic levels (includes comprehensive restoration and improvement of the machine itself), or to Reference levels. I have already done one according to the Reference recipe and it responded very well with superb retrieval of fine detail. All my rebuilds are dead…
Sony 2250 in heavy Classic plinth
This particular Sony 2250 in heavy Classic plinth was sold to a very high end gentleman where it outperformed his Oracle Delphi MKV in black and gold with SME V which he sold. It is finished in finished in jatoba veneer, which can be replaced with another more exotic veneer.…