November 29, 2016 4:50 pm

Sony 2250 in heavy Classic plinth

This particular Sony 2250 in heavy Classic plinth was sold to a very high end gentleman where it outperformed his Oracle Delphi MKV in black and gold with SME V which he sold. It is finished inĀ  finished in jatoba veneer, which can be replaced with another more exotic veneer. I only recently used it over the Christmas holidays 2024/2025 to play music, it works perfectly and its piano-key controls are an absolute pleasure to use! The main bearing is the best I’ve ever come across, it outperformed the famed Technis SP-10 mKIIs in similar rebuilds (being much more fluid and openly dynamic and grain-free), but which has other advantages: it will not hum with unshielded cartridges like the Grados and Deccas. It is very heavy-duty professional machine, and similar to the Garrard 401 visually. I am asking only $1800 USD, and will mount any tonearm to it if sent to me or can provide one as a package price.