May 4, 2022 5:45 pm

Special Budget NOS Lenco L-75-16S in heavy plinth – SOLD!

I have in the original box a New Old Stock Lenco L75-16S, which is a later Lenco with traditional S-shaped gimbal-bearing tonearm with traditonal mounting collet and headshell, which means it can accept any standard headshell. This makes a great beginner tonearm for those on a budget. It even comes with a NOS Lenco cartridge attached to the Lenco headshell. I had used the motor years ago for another project but will include a superior earlier Swiss-made motor. The package includes a Schopper birch-ply heavy plinth with a scond SME tonearm mount ready to go for any shorter SME ytonearm (3009 etc.). The whole package available for $1500 CAD.